Last night, on August 23, Homes Giving Hope had a meeting at the Plainfield Township to get approval to build more houses on our lot. It was both nerve wracking and exciting listening and waiting in anticipation of what the trustees would say about the ministry. First, Kay Wood, Sara and Brian Boven did a speech about what Homes Giving Hope is all about.  They did a great job. Then there were a few people I think on the Homes Giving Hope board talking about the importance and the need of a place like Homes Giving Hope. After quite a few other people spoke, including my Mom, I decided to go up and speak.  

When I decided I was going to go up, my heart was beating out of my chest.  I was trying to take deep breaths. When I went up, I took my roommate April up with me (she is also the Resident Assistant). When I was up there I felt shaky and nervous, but I spoke!  I told them that I had a disability, an invisible disability called 22q Deletion Syndrome.  I told them I struggle with Executive Function, and Generalized Anxiety disorder. This is a summary of what I said…

“I lived at my parents house all my life. I was at home a lot because I was sick most of my life. I didn’t have a lot going for me and didn’t know what I had in store for the future.  Being sick meant I threw up every morning and had seizures in the past (a few years ago). I didn’t have a lot of  life going on.”  I also shared that Homes Giving Hope has changed that. I told them about our house dog, Ryder, and how I loved him. Of course I mentioned the golf cart! When I drove it around, it gave me a sense of independence because I can’t drive!” I explained that I made wonderful friends who are more like sisters to me now.  Homes Giving Hope has changed my life and I made sure to tell the Homes Giving Hope

crew how thankful I was to them for everything.  

“I’m glad I did it!”

Although it was really nerve wracking to speak, I was glad that I did it.  I hope I showed the trustees and our neighbor who kindly disagreed with the building requests, that this is a great project. I feel it in my bones that Homes Giving Hope is supposed to build the other homes on our lot. There are a lot of guys on the waiting list for the next house.  Although it would be weird for us girls who are in the first house and not used to having it be a neighborhood….but I’m excited.

There is a big need for a place like Homes Giving Hope for people like me and other people with other disabilities. We want to be able to be independent and live in a community like this.  We want and deserve to have a full life but also to have the support that they/we need. We want to be just like everyone else but just need a little support on the way. Keep Homes Giving Hope and the next township meeting in your prayers so that it gets approved to build more houses on our lot.  The township needs to let other people like me live independently.

~Meghan, Resident Blogger
